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The style of catching food of sea otters is special. 这里可以改为 The way sea otters catch food is unique.
they will dive the bottom of the sea 这里可以改为 they will dive to the bottom of the sea.
look for their liking shellfish. 这里可以改为 look for their favorite shellfish.
Sea otters like shellfishs with the hardshell best. 这里可以改为 Sea otters prefer shellfish with hard shells.
But, the shellfishs is not easy to open by the sea otter himself. 这里可以改为 However, the shellfish is not easy for the sea otter to open by itself.
when the sea otter takes with its victims up of the sea, meanwhile, carrys with stones form bottom of the sea. 这里可以改为 when the sea otter brings its prey to the surface, it also brings up stones from the bottom of the sea.
They put stone on their chest, the other front paw holds their victim. 这里可以改为 They put the stone on their chest, while the other front paw holds their prey.
After bying the bumping between stone and their victim so that to smash the hard shell of victims 这里可以改为 By using the bumping between the stone and their prey, they smash the hard shells of the prey.
then , they can enjoy the deliciou food successfully. 这里可以改为 Then, they can successfully enjoy the delicious food.




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英闻天天译: 当老师做了学生之后

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