Title |
CFA中国上海| 2016届CFA上海会员聚会 |
Event Description |
With hours of hard study and years of hard work; with passions to build a better financial world, you became a CFA charterholder 100 days ago. But it was not the end. It is a fresh start. Having traveled 100 days together with us, CFA Institute and CFA China Shanghai want to celebrate your 100 days with us. Do you have questions about your new identity as a CFA charterholder? Do you want to know how you can leverage more of it? Is there any suggestion that you would like us to know? Join us on March 31, please.We want to meet you, chat with you, work with you, laugh with you,and in the near future, VOLUNTEER with you.
在与我们同行的一百天中,您对CFA协会与CFA中国上海志愿者的工作有什么困惑、建议或期望?我们希望听到您的声音,也希望与您一起,为CFA协会共同的使命奋斗! CFA协会和CFA中国上海诚邀您与所有新持证人一起,欢聚一堂,共庆持证百日! |
Event Type |
Career |
Education Topic |
Alternative Investments |
Start Time |
2017/3/31 18:30 |
End Time |
2017/3/31 21:00 |
City |
上海 |
State/Province |
Event Country |
China |
Event Region |
Asia Pacific |
Location Info |
上海市浦东新区世纪大道88号金茂大厦裙楼2楼嘉宾厅III |
Speaker |
CE Credits |
SER Credit |
.00 |
Currency |
Candidate Cost |
0 |
Registration |
All Day Event |
Recurrence |
Cost |
0 |
Member Cost |
0 |
Non-Member Cost |
End |
2017/3/31 21:00 |
Attachments |