Title |
CFA中国杭州| 北高峰爬山 |
Event Description |
We cordially invite you to warm up for an exhilarating day of wandering and hiking around the Northern Peak (北高峰),where you can spend quality time with fellow CFA Institute members and friends.We look forward to seeing you at this event! |
Event Type |
Social |
Education Topic |
Start Time |
2017/5/6 9:00 |
End Time |
2017/5/6 12:30 |
City |
杭州 |
State/Province |
Event Country |
China |
Event Region |
Asia Pacific |
Location Info |
Northern Peak (北高峰) |
Speaker |
CE Credits |
SER Credit |
.00 |
Currency |
Candidate Cost |
0 |
Registration |
Q4IWkN |
All Day Event |
Recurrence |
Cost |
Member Cost |
Non-Member Cost |
End |
2017/5/6 12:30 |
Attachments |