
hedge fund是什么意思及发音

沪江词库精选hedge fund是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释
  • a flexible investment company for a small number of large investors (usually the minimum investment is $1 million); can use high-risk techniques (not allowed for mutual funds) such as short-selling and heavy leveraging
  • hedge fund 套利基金,避险基金 对冲基金
  • hedge fund managers 对冲基金经理人
  • be on the hedge v.骑墙,耍两面派手法
  • hedge in 把…包围起来,束缚
  • fund for 为…提供资金
  • hedge out 用树篱等把…隔开
  • proxy hedge 代理避险 也称proxy deal,指为了规避汇率大幅波动,请代理人处理的一种应用交易方法。例如有卖出或买入即期外汇,就订定买入或卖出未来到期日契约,藉以抵销风险,使当期买卖盈亏,递延至未来的买卖才
  • hedge pink phr. 肥皂草
  • hedge shears 篱笆剪
  • hedge tree 【计】 篱笆树
  • Hedge Fund n.对冲基金
  • hedge fund 对冲基金
  • hedge n. [C] 1.树篱;篱笆 2.障碍(物);界限 3.防备;防备措施(+against) 4.(赌博等中的)两面下注 5.模棱两可的话 v. [T] 1.用树篱笆围住(或隔开)
  • FUND =International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织 [联合国]
  • fund n. 基金,资金,存款,财源,贮藏 v.[T] 提供资金,积累
  • hedge cutter n.[C] 树篱修剪机
  • hedge writer n. 穷文人, 寒士
  • jack by the hedge phr. 药用蒜芥
  • hedge born adj. 生于篱下的, 下贱的
  • hedge row n.一排树篱